welcome to the republic of me

My name is Ivana and this is a place where I share my creative journey and some parts of my life living on an island in the Mediterranean.

Summer Harvest 2023

Summer Harvest 2023

As the hottest time of the year is behind us and we are getting ready to plant new seeds for the winter, I thought I’d share some of the vegetables we grew this summer.

Tomatoes here in Cyprus grow really well in the first part of the summer, but it does get too hot for them by the time the extreme heat of August arrives.

Eggplant seems to handle the heat much better and we were able to harvest it for the whole of summer.

We planted different sorts and even though I was never a big eggplant lover, I have enjoyed an occasional one, while we gave a lot away to my parents… my mom makes beautiful vegetable moussaka.

One of my favourite things to eat from our garden is our corn.

This is the second time we grew corn and it didn’t disappoint. We ate some freshly picked, and froze the rest that we are still enjoying as a midnight snack.

This is the first year that we have grown bell peppers and I love their sweet taste. Our younger son will happily have them instead of sweets, so I think that they will become our yearly staple.

In most of my videos I show clips of what I’m harvesting in that moment, but I did put all of the clips together into a whole summer harvest that you can see at the very end of my latest upload.


Two In & Out raglan sweaters

Two In & Out raglan sweaters